Where did I drink beer in Europe?
Here is a map with a marker representing all the locations I had a delicious nectar of the gods. :-)
List of major cities:
- London
- Paris
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Milan
- Rome
- Valencia
- Amsterdam
- Brussels
- Munich
- Prague
- Naples
- ....
- ....
TODO: create a list of major cities programatically from the images....
To drink beer in every major city that I visited!
Level complete!
Here is a map of all the places I drank beer in.....
This beer was particularly memorable.
-tagged each photo using iPhoto with the word beer.
- add photo to 'Smart Album'
- add tags to files
- add descriptions to files 'beer'
- export selected files
- export everything into a new directory
# sips --getProperty description ~/Folder_Name/filename.jpg
description: blah
- Get GPS cordinates
# mdls ~/Folder_Name/filename.jpg
ie) ...
kMDItemFSLabel = 0
kMDItemFSName = "IMG_5228.jpg"
kMDItemFSNodeCount = (null)
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = 20
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = 501
kMDItemFSSize = 1368592
kMDItemFSTypeCode = ""
kMDItemGPSDateStamp = "2015:04:25"
kMDItemGPSDestBearing = 46.53445065176908
kMDItemHasAlphaChannel = 0
kMDItemImageDirection = 226.5344506517691
kMDItemISOSpeed = 250
kMDItemKeywords = (
kMDItemKind = "JPEG image"
kMDItemLatitude = 50.0852555
kMDItemLogicalSize = 1368592
kMDItemLongitude = 14.432505
kMDItemOrientation = 1
Here is the python script that I used DrawMap
....and the resultant google static map. Please see the code for relvant references and links.
BTW - I did have beer in Barcelona and Madrid but for some reason I didnt take any photos.